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“God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” - Genesis 1:31


We recognize that creation, design, and artistic expression is at the core of God’s creative nature and seek to blend those elements into our well-rounded, Christ-centered curriculum.  The arts are not an afterthought in our program design.  We desire for students to use their full range of talents, developing confidence and skills in the arts.


1st Lutheran emphasizes the arts as a core component of our Christ-centered, student-driven education.



Early elementary students in K-2nd are exposed to many techniques and art processes during their time in Art classes. They learn the basics of color theory and the Elements of Art.  Students have fun creating their own works using these techniques.  Art classes meet once a week, with their work being displayed throughout the school all year. Art students leave class with a feeling of accomplishment through their individual expression.


Upper Elementary in 3rd-5th Art classes go beyond the basics of color theory and the Elements of Art.  Meeting weekly for close to an hour, they study process art vs. product art. They also work on art terminology and how to take care of their supplies as they are being creative. Part of their curriculum consist of Art History where they study significant artists, pieces and eras. They finish their year by learning about careers in art and how are has a real-life impact on the world.




Primary Choir enjoys learning the music for our two musicals each year, as well as opportunities to sing at 1st Lutheran Church, and other venues.  We learn and have fun demonstrating basic rhythms and musical concepts through games and activities. One of our favorite activities is Drum Circle where each child is given a percussion instrument, and through the process they are allowed to express themselves through music! In addition to learning the basics of music, we also explore music from other countries. We meet twice a week, with students looking forward to each class!





Beginning Band

1st Lutheran students are involved in Band beginning in grade 5.  Students are exposed to the instruments through a “petting zoo” in which they actually learn to play each of the instruments offered.  After this one-on-one session with the director, the choice is made by the student, the director and the parents as to which instrument is chosen.  Beginning Band students learn quickly because of our flexible schedule enabling individual and sectional instruction. Beginning Band students perform in the Christmas Concert, Solo/Ensemble Festival, various chamber music opportunities, and the Spring Concert.



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