“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” - 1 Timothy 4:12
We understand that education involves the whole-child. From intentionally designing spiritual life opportunities to providing leadership opportunities to after-school clubs and athletics and more, we want your child to have opportunities to develop their whole self.
1st Lutheran emphasizes student-driven opportunities that extend beyond day-to-day academics.

Board game club meets every Tuesday after school until 4pm. Students in 2nd-5th grade are welcome to attend. Board games provide an excellent opportunity to work on life skills such as turn-taking, strategizing, collaboration, accepting wins and losses, and creative thinking. We have a variety of games to learn and play- from strategy games to lighter luck-based games.
Around 20 students attend each week and can be seen playing chess, Catan, Apples to Apples, Mastermind, Machi Koro, 5 Minute Dungeon, Splendor, Battleship, Farkle, Spot It, Kingdomino, Smallworld, and much more! Mr. Gerlach host the club in his classroom.

Our students are immersed in a Christ-centered environment every day. From the beginning of the day to the end, Christ fills our day. We are daily reminded that we are children of God filled with character, whether it’s in how we interact with each other and deal with situations that arise and daily prayers or through our K-5th Christian Character Formation Project. All students participate in daily religion lessons, weekly chapel, Bible memory work in K-5th, and integration of our faith into all aspects of our learning.
Since 1853, we have held to sharing the Gospel from our Lutheran understanding, but we are not only for Lutherans. In fact, only 13% of our families are Lutheran. We promise that your child will receive Christ-centered teaching rooted in Scripture. Lutheran doctrine is based on Scripture interpreting Scripture; you have the reassurance that the teachings we provide will be unchanging, not based on personal interpretation of society. We will root your child in Scripture.
1st Lutheran provides a daily hot lunch program for our students. We believe that eating habits formed early on can have a lasting influence. Our cafeteria manager creates a well-balanced hot tray that includes a protein, grain, milk, fruit and vegetable. Lunch options are not included in tuition.
Yolie Edwards: Cafeteria Manager - EMAIL